The Sioux Falls Valley of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry
We greet you and are interested in furthering your education of Freemasonry.
The Order is organized as follows:
Scottish Rite Masonry originated in several different traditions of “higher degrees” of Masonry, some from England, some from Scotland (or purported to be from Scotland,) some from France, some from other parts of Europe.
The formation of the Mother Supreme Council of Scottish Rite occurred in Charleston, South Carolina, in May 1801. The Founding Fathers of the Scottish Rite who attended included: John Mitchell the first Grand Commander of the Supreme Council; Frederick Dalcho; Dr. Isaac Auld; Alexander Francois Auguste de Grasse Tilly; Jean Baptiste Marie de La Hogue; Thomas Bartholemew Bowen; Abraham Alexander; Emanuel de la Motta; Isaac Auld; Israel de Lieben; Moses Clava Levy; James Moultrie; Isaac De Costa. All regular Scottish Rite bodies today derive their heritage from the Supreme Council formed by these gentlemen and perpetuated through the present day.
The official name of the Order is “The Supreme Council (Mother Council of the World) of the Inspectors General Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-
The head of the organization is the “Sovereign Grand Commander.” The current Sovereign Grand Commander is Illustrious Sir Ronald A. Seale, 33°. He is based in Washington, DC.
The Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite is made up of jurisdictions called “Orients” which are generally states. The Supreme Council is made up of 33 members, including the Sovereign Grand Commander and 32 leaders of Orients known as “Sovereign Grand Inspectors General” or SGIG’s. The Southern Jurisdiction has more than 32 Orients and the leaders of Orients not headed by an SGIG are known as a “Deputy to the Supreme Council.”
The “Orient of South Dakota” is currently led by Illustrious Sir Jeffrey Larson 33°, Sovereign Grand Inspector General.
The Orient of South Dakota, consists of four Valleys; Aberdeen, Deadwood, Sioux Falls, and Yankton. Each Valley conducts its own business and is guided by the S.G.I.G. or Deputy. There are Valley Representatives to the S.G.I.G. or Deputy within each Valley, and their job is to “protect” the S.G.I.G./Deputy and act as a Liaison between the two. Each Valley has two Representatives and the Orient as a whole has one Representative. The current Orient Representative is Illustrious Sir Harland Danielsen 33°, of the Sioux Falls Valley.
The Sioux Falls Valley has four Bodies in its Valley: The Lodge of Perfection (the 4th – 14th Degrees), The Chapter of Rose Croix (15th – 18th Degrees), The Council of Kadosh (19th – 30th Degrees), and the Consistory (31st and 32nd Degrees.) Each has its own set of Officers, and is responsible for certain functions. The Lodge of Perfection, by agreement, is the governing Body to conduct the business of the Valley of Sioux Falls, and it is led by a “Venerable Master.” Each Body has an emblem as shown below:

Lodge of Perfection

Chapter Rose Croix

Council of Kadosh

Orient of South Dakota
Sovereign Grand Inspector General – Jeff Larson, 33°
Orient Representative – Harland Danielsen, 33°
2023 Sioux Falls Valley Officers
Lodge of Perfection
Venerable Master – Ron Knott, 32°
Senior Warden – Derek Runge, 32° KCCH
Junior Warden – Allen Poe, 32°
Chapter of Rose Croix
Wise Master – Jeff Landborg, 33°
Senior Warden – Briand Pulling, 32° KCCH
Junior Warden – Brenden Lutz, 32° KCCH
Council of Kadosh
Commander – James Hoy, 33°
1st Lt. Commander – Terry Knutson, 33°
2nd Lt. Commander – Quentin Everson, 33°
Master of Kadosh – Lee Lewis, 33°
Prior – Ken Hurst, 32°
Preceptor – Jon Woods, 32°
Knights of St. Andrew
Venerable Master – Ron Knott, 32°
Senior Warden – Ken Hurst, 32°
Junior Warden – Jon Woods, 32°
Secretary – Joseph Thompson, 32°
Officers of All Bodies
Secretary – Tim Schendel, 33°
Treasurer – Harland Danielsen, 33°
Almoner – Harland Danielsen, 33°
Council Members at Large
Council Member – Carlos Cobos, 32°
Council Member – Paul Maxwell, 32° KCCH
SR Foundation Directors
Director – James Hoy, 33°
Director – Brian Pulling, 33°
Valley Representative to SGIG
Representative – James Hoy, 33°
Representative – Ron Hammer, 33°